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Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 5

Friday was a beautiful day in Sydney, so we decided to squeeze in workout in the park. Just something to make sure that I keep my trip weight gain under 45 kilos with all this great food (Beer!!!!) As we were setting up a cool Aussie kid by the name of Lance approached us and wanted to know what the hell a couple "American blokes" were doing hanging strap over the branch of a eucalyptus tree. Turns out he is from Wagga Wagga, which is 5 hours from Sydney. He asked if we were doing Cross-fit, now mind you, Australia is the most fit nation on the planet and still, America has influence on exercise programs and this kid wanted to talk about it?!? We talked a bit about different exercises and pretty much everything else under the sun, Lance explained that he was the recipient of a scholastic award and in the city for that. So obviously this kid was smart, he talked about wanting to go into the Australian Army and fly Blackhawk Helicopters, nice to meet a kid with ambition and drive. He also commented that is was so cool that "older people" would do these kind of workouts in the park. Thanks... I guess!

 I’ve started a Picasa Web Photo Album with random daily pictures and will also post some videos directly into the blog. Here are two examples of a push to pike, bear in mind that the one of me is at the end of a 50 minute "killer" workout and suffice it to say, Lance took a little different route. Say what you will, but I don't think the difference in form has anything to do with being one of the "older people"... 

Paul  (DEAD TIRED!!)

Lance (SHOWOFF!!)

Rick (What is he talking about??? Comments welcome!!)

After the workout, we came back to clean up and head out for the day, at this point we needed some fuel so we went to a local café and ordered the breakfast special, empty place so we decided to stay. Once we told them we were staying, the price went up $10 each, no more food, just a “table” charge, WTF? They must not like us Americans :-(  Decided the money could be better spent elsewhere, took the sandwiches and went down to Darling Harbour to eat by the water. 

The rest of the day was spent in the Australian Fitness expo, which was the reason Rick came here in the first place and the catalyst for me to mark another item off of my bucket list. Have to say it was a really cool exhibit, seeing everything from the super fit to the super freak, take a look at my pictures above and you'll see what I mean. 

Nothing special to report for the evening festivities, actually came back to the room, showered to go out and ended up crashing early again. So sorry for no excitement!!

1 comment:

  1. Okay so how many of those did Lance REALLY do? Good Lord!
